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About Us
Ministry’s Philosophy
Our vision is a clear picture in our minds of where we are going and what we are becoming in the future.
Vision is about creating something new. We value Disciple-making at Providence. We praise God for the gifts and abilities He has given us, and we take seriously the Lord’s call on us to reach the lost and make disciple
For Providence, it tells us of our understanding of ways God calls us into being. This statement helps to tie us together as a community. It is the most significant cord that bonds our togetherness. We are the cornerstone of the Nation, a community created by the Father, called by Jesus Christ the Son and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Grace: To personally appropriate and extend the saving work of Christ.. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Growth: To pursue Christ-likeness.(2 Peter 3:18)
Group: To connect with other members in significant relationships. (Acts 2:46, Hebrews 10:25)
Gifts: To connect the body of Christ according to our spiritual gifts and passion.
(Romans 12:1-6)
Good Stewardship: To honor God with our resources through what we give to the church and what we keep (Philippians 4:11-19).
Providence Baptist church was started in 1821 by the…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. pulvinar dapibus leo.
To build a church where lives are radically change and disciples are intentionally made.
Disciples making Disciples, Transforming lives and Renewing Communities
(Matthew 28:18-20, Isaiah 58:12)
Our Beliefs
- A reduction of new cases of lorem
- Putting an end to mauris
- Operating the #1-ranked litora
- Helping other communities
- Opening the first neque