Sister Churches/ Music & Media

Laura Pritchard

Sister Churches/ Music & Media

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God”.

Isaiah 41:10

Sister Churches/ Music & Media at P.B.C

The Department of Music, Worship, & IT is equipping lives for effective Service through songs and technology, spiritual and personal growth, and advancement of personal commitment to serve the body of Christ with humbleness and true Stewardship in worship.

Provides music for all worship services:  Sunday Worship Service, Mid-Week Service, Funeral Service, Revival, Crusade, and Oversees all instrumentalist and Choirs.

Supervise the Praise Dance Team and Oversees all audio and visual productions.

Sub Departments

Worship & Music

Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir does bulk of the singing at all services. The choir sings just about any genre and Christian music. Members range from college students to working individuals and all the way to retirees. (with average corresponding ages)

Senior Choir
The Senior Choir sings at least three (3) divine worship services in a month and also make sporadic took at weddings, funerals and services other than Sunday Worship Services. The choir sings mainly choral music (western hymns & Athens). The Senior choristers are mostly middle aged and retirees.

Worship & Music

Youth Chorus
Sometimes refer to as the Junior Choir, which provide music for the Youth Movement Services. They also
occasionally sing in adult services if
needed. Youth Choristers are generally grade school students. They sing exclusively contemporary music. When the above three (3) choirs sing as a unit, they are called “The Combined Choir.”

Children Choir
The Children’s Choir is not really a choir in the true meaning of the word, on certain occasions, which includes some divine worship services, a group of talented little ones from the Children’s Ministry/church, come together, learn some songs, and present them to the congregation.


The IT Ministry takes care of the entire audio and; visual production of the church Live Stream, broadcasts, Radio and; Television Broadcast and handle all activities of the church. The ministry also
works with internet service providers to keep the Church’s activities accessible to our members and others both in and out of Liberia.

The Nyenette Appleton Liturgical Praise Dancers

The Praise Dancers are a group of young ladies and guys who choreographs to all genres.

More About our School services

Please stay and watch for a minute and you will not be disappointed.

What Serving in this ministry means?

A few testimonials about our department and work

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John Doe

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Jenna Smith

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Samuel Stevens

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Worship to God……..